Vividh Bharti Online

॥ देश की सुरीली धड़कन ॥

Vividh Bharti Service broadcasts Sangeet Sarita Program every day at 7:30 AM. Currently an eight part series is being aired from 23rd to 30th October. This is being presented by Ustaad Asad Ali Khan, name of the series is Rajani Rudra VeeNa.  

विविध भारती पर रोजाना प्रातः 7 बजकर 30 मिनट पर सुनिए कार्यक्रम संगीत सरिता जिसके अंतर्गत 23 अक्टूबर से 30 अक्टूबर तक  सुप्रसिद्ध वीणा वादक उस्ताद असद अली खां द्वारा 8 भागों में श्रंखला -“रजनी रूद्र वीणा” का आयोजन होगा ।

23 अक्टूबर

6 thoughts on “Listen to Sangeet Sarita on VBS Every Morning at 7:30 AM

  1. संगीत सरिता कार्यक्रम के अन्तर्गत “ताल-प्रवाह” सुननेवालों का मनमोह लिया, जिसके लिए हम सभी कार्यक्रम-संयोजकों के प्रति हार्दिक-आभार व्यक्त करते हैं। क्या आपके सभी कार्क्रमों में शास्त्रीय-संगीत का आभास देना सम्भव हो सकता है? अगर संभव है – तो उचित व उपयुक्त प्रयास अवश्य किया जावेगा, कुछ ऐसी छोटी-सी आकांक्षा के साथ-

  2. संगीत सरिता कार्यक्रम के अन्तर्गत “ताल-प्रवाह” सुननेवालों का मनमोह लिया, जिसके लिए हम सभी कार्यक्रम-संयोजकों के प्रति हार्दिक-आभार व्यक्त करते हैं। क्या आपके सभी कार्क्रमों में शास्त्रीय-संगीत का आभास देना सम्भव हो सकता है? अगर संभव है – तो उचित व उपयुक्त प्रयास अवश्य किया जावेगा, कुछ ऐसी छोटी-सी आकांक्षा के साथ-
    कोई शक नहीं कि “आप हम सभी को श्रोताओं को स्वस्थ मनोरंजन देने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ते” ठीक ऐसे ही हम पेंशनरों के “एक स्वस्थ अपनत्व देने का प्रयास करते रहेंगे” क्योंकि हम सभी भूतपूर्व कर्मचारी ही तो हैं, जिन्हें बुजुर्गियत का सम्मान पाने का संवैधानिक हक़ तो है?

  3. Sangeet Sarita has been bumped from 7:30 AM slot. Where and when is it now. The replacement by filmi duets I can hear anywhere else all the time. Bring back ‘Sangeet Sarita’ in it’s original time slot. Better yet, extend it to 30 minutes. Please advise.
    Vasant Joshi

  4. Why can’t we hear Sangeetha Sarita now at 7.30???? What is the new timing?? We were always addicted to hearing it at 7.30 . Why have you shifted it

  5. Long long centuries ago, there was an era when vividh bharati was really a little vividh (diverse), when it used to broadcast programs other than those based on the theme of Bollywood. One of those running still now is Sangeet Sarita (though, really, its timing has been changed for worse).

    The other that I want to talk about was a program based on the folk songs of India (particularly, northern India). Probably, it was called as, LOK SANGEET.

    Diversified India, which VIVIDH BHARTI translates itself into in English, has nothing really diverse and plural to display, when it comes to exhibiting diversity and plurality of India, except playing Bollywood songs and programs based on them. In this way, it surely becomes EKAALAAP BHARTI, which translates to SINGLE THEME (i.e., only and only Bollywood) BASED RADIO CHANNEL of India.

    So, hey you VIVIDH BHARTI, if you have to really prove that you produce diversified theme-based programs, it’s my earnest request to bring back that yester-decade old LOK SANGEET program back, as also to introduce new programs based on themes OTHER THAN BOLLYWOOD. I can only hope and pray that a better sense prevails upon you 🙏🙏

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