Vividh Bharti Online

॥ देश की सुरीली धड़कन ॥

Listen  a program ‘Sangeet Sarita’ , everyday at 7.30 am. Today’s  (27th January 2018) starting a new series till than 8th February 2018. Program – Shrinkhala : Samakritik Raag  in 13 part, Singer – Manjusha Patil, Presented by Manisha Jain.

प्रतिदिन सुबह ७.३० बजे कार्यक्रम ‘संगीत सरिता’ का प्रसारण सुनिए . इस कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत २७ जनवरी २०१८ से ८ फरवरी २०१८  तक एक श्रृंखला प्रसारित की जाएगी. जिसके अंतर्गत कार्यक्रम ‘समाकृतिक राग का प्रसारण कुल १३ भागों में किया जायेगा. इस कार्यक्रम में जानी मानी विदुषी गायिका ‘मंजूषा पाटिल’ आमंत्रित कलाकार हैं और ‘मनीषा जैन’ कार्यक्रम की प्रस्तुतकर्ता हैं .

12 thoughts on “SANGEET SARITA : EVERYDAY 7.30 AM.

  1. Dear vividh bharati (sageet sarita)
    The current shrinkhala ram bhakti ras by dr. Ram shankar is very sweet is it possible to get the recordings or access the archives …thank you so much for the beautiful relay….i shall be very thank full if you can share the recordings….
    Thank you
    Best Regards
    Roopa H

  2. Ashkaran Sharma interrupts too much wasting time of Pandit Jasraj in today’s program dated 11th April

    1. Hello, I always listen Vividh bharti specially, Sangit Sarita, As you invite legends of Indian Music, Classical indian music revives amd reach to every one. I request you to Kindly organise a series of programs on “Sangit Chikitsa Padhatti”, Where Music is used for Tretment of Illnesses, Many legend singers and Muscians are working on it , so Its my Request that kindly telecast programs on Sangit chikitsa.

      Vidya Karmarkar
      MA Sangit

  3. Dear Sir
    I would like to know, whether the timings for Sangeet Sarita have changed. I am one of the regular listeners of the program. However last few days, the program is not being broadcasted.

  4. Hi, You have stopped airing
    Sangeet Sarita at 7:30 AM daily. What are your new timing of Sangeet Sarita?
    Regards, Anita

  5. Has the time of sangeet sarita been changed as now at 7.30 AM it is not being played on Vividh Bharti we have now the programme titled Hum Hain Rahee Prem Kai

  6. कार्यक्रमों के नए परिवर्तन के क्रम में इतना प्राचीन और अद्भुत कार्यक्रम “संगीत सरिता” आखिर कहां खो गया है आजकल “संगीत सरिता” को क्या बंद कर दिया गया है ?अथवा इसका समय कुछ और निर्धारित कर दिया गया है?

  7. Has Sangeet Sarita been shifted to a differend time? It is no longer at 7.30 am?
    I am in Nagpur listening on 100.6.
    Missing the program.

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