Vividh Bharti Online

॥ देश की सुरीली धड़कन ॥

5 thoughts on “Join the Vividh Bharti Chat Group on TeleGram

  1. I would like to know the name and contact no. Of the Doctor Who gave a talk on DEWORMING in the sehetnama pitara program in the month of February 2019 either 11 or 18 th february.

  2. Dear Sir
    This is to inform you that I am a regular listener of vividh bharti. I have an old AM transistor. I used to hear at 9865 Kilo hertz ( probably 29 meter band) for the most of the time. Due to Corona pandemic there was lockdown from 24/03/20. Due to this vividh bharti broadcast was also closed. Anyhow, after removal of lockdown VBS should be resumed at 9865 KH. Unfortunately, it has not been resumed till today. Therefore, I will fervently request you to resume the same at the earliest. Thanking you. Yours faithfully, Rup Kumar Roy.

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