Vividh Bharti Online

॥ देश की सुरीली धड़कन ॥

Here is the Video of Shanelle Bell Performing on the Song तू निकला छुपा रुस्तम. Hope you will like the Song and enjoy the Performance.

Looks like you are interested to know a little more about her. Our investigation has found that, although She is not of Indian origin living abroad but She is from California and has Hispanic heritage. She loves Indian Music & Dance. You can see more of her Videos on her Channel on YouTube.

6 thoughts on “तू निकला छुपा रुस्तम: Shanelle Bell

  1. Today 28 th sep, is a very auspicious day for every indian, for the day would be going to declare melody day, because this day is responsible for making our heart, ears, mind to the fullest of sweetness.
    ———–A very very Happy Birthday to our beloved Lata didi—————-

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